歴代米国大統領の訪日 – ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ大統領 1992年1月7日-10日
訪日日程 | Public Papers より (1992 Book I, Appendix A) |
1月7日午前 | 韓国より大阪国際空港着 |
7日 | 京都で海部俊樹前首相夫妻と昼食 |
7日 | 都ホテルで日米学生の集い |
7日 | 奈良県のトイザらス橿原店開店記念式典 |
7日 | 羽田空港着 |
8日 | 迎賓館で歓迎式典 |
8日 | 天皇皇后両陛下と会見 |
8日 | 宮澤喜一首相と首脳会談 |
8日 | 首相官邸で宮澤首相主催の晩餐会(大統領は体調不良のため途中退席) |
9日 | 記者会見 |
9日 | 宮澤首相と会談 |
9日 | 宮中晩餐会 |
10日午前 | 羽田空港発 帰国 |
Remarks to Japanese and American Students in Kyoto, Japan
Remarks at the Opening of Toys-R-Us in Kashihara, Japan
Text of Remarks at the State Dinner Hosted by Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan in TokyoNote: The dinner was held in the Small Dining Room at the Prime Minister’s residence in Tokyo. The President became ill at the dinner before the scheduled remarks, and he returned to the Akasaka Palace. Mrs. Bush spoke at 8:55 p.m. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, delivered the President’s remarks.
Text of Remarks at the Japanese Welcoming Committee Luncheon in Tokyo
Note: Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas F. Brady delivered the President’s remarks at 12:45 p.m. at the Akasaka Prince Hotel.
Exchange with Reporters Prior to Discussions with Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan in Tokyo1月9日
The President’s News Conference with Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan in Tokyo1月9日
Remarks at a State Dinner Hosted by Emperor Akihito of Japan in Tokyo
Remarks and an Exchange with Reporters on Arrival from the Trip to Asian/Pacific Nations