


米国の大学教育 – 社会と価値観



  1. 米国の公立大学
  2. 大規模な私立研究大学とは?
  3. 米国のコミュニティーカレッジ
  4. 多くの学生が選ぶ高等教育への入り口
  5. 多様性の力
  6. 米国の高等教育における独立した部門
  7. 少数民族のための教育機関
  8. 「ブラウン」判決から 50 年
  9. なぜ伝統的黒人大学が今も重要なのか
  10. 宗教系大学
  11. 専門大学
  12. 写真で見るカレッジ ・ ライフ
  13. ペンシルベニア大学国際関係プログラム
  14. 留学生が見つけた新しい故郷とグローバルな目的
  15. 社会奉仕
  16. 7つのスナップショット 教育機会の実例
  17. 大学の専攻科目の選択
  18. 学部の授業体験
  19. 米国の大学で学ぶためにかかる費用
  20. 学資援助の可能性
  21. 留学生を歓迎する米国のコミュニティーカレッジ


College and University Education in the United States


Karen Hughes, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education

About This Issue

Public Universities in the United States
A typical state university enrolls tens of thousands of students and offers hundreds of courses of study.

What is a Large, Private Research University
The availability of private funding enables private universities to step off in bold new directions of inquiry.

U.S. Community Colleges
Two-year colleges are an attractive alternative for students seeking a hometown environment and lower costs.

Strength Out of Diversity
Small private colleges focus on teaching and on interaction between students and faculty.

Minority Serving Institutions
Organizations place special emphasis on minority students, including African Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities Remain Relevant
An educator discusses the unique role of HBCUs in affirming identity among African-American students.

Religiously Affiliated Colleges
Religious institutions believe their tradition of learning through faith is "value added" to higher education.

Specialty Institutions
Colleges that concentrate on teaching the arts, business, or military studies are just a few examples of schools with focused curricula.

Photo Gallery

  • College Life
    The U.S. college experience is a time to study and prepare for a career, but also offers opportunities to discover, explore and mature.

In Depth: A Closer Look at Individual University Programs

  • International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania
  • International Students Find a Home and a Global Purpose
  • Community Service
  • Snapshots of Seven U.S. Schools

Learn More

  • What is a Foreign Student Adviser?
  • Education USA
  • Choosing a College Major
  • The Undergraduate Classroom Experience
  • The Cost of College in the United States
  • Possible Sources of Financial Aid for U.S. Schools
  • U.S. University and College Accreditation


  • Selected Readings
  • Internet Sites