


(上) ジェーン・アダムズは子どもたちへの関心を決して失うことなく、彼らの必要なものを満たすために多くの精魂を傾けた(右) イリノイ州シカゴのハル・ハウス(1946年7月10日)





アダムズは、その才能とたゆまぬエネルギーを 、女性参政権や政治(1912年の進歩党によるセオドア・ルーズベルト候補指名を支持)などその他の活動にも向けた。また、全米有色人種地位向上協会(NAACP)(公民権運動および反差別運動の有力組織)や米国自由人権協会(ACLU)といった組織の創設メンバーとなった。アダムズは11冊の著書に加えて多くの記事を執筆している。20世紀の最初の10年間に国際平和主義運動に関わるようになり、女性平和党の党首に選ばれた。また1915年には、ハーグで国際女性会議の初代議長に選出された。米国が第1次世界大戦に参戦したとき、アダムズは参戦に反対し、米国民の中には彼女を、そして彼女の運動を批判する人たちもいた。







Jane Addams - Women of Influence

Social Reformer, Humanitarian, Pacifist

(Born: September 6, 1860; Died: May 21, 1935)

Jane Addams was an internationally known advocate for the poor, a pacifist, a reformer, a leader in progressive groups, and the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She is best remembered as the founder of HullHouse in Chicago, one of the first settlement houses that provided services for the working class immigrants in the neighborhood and served as a laboratory for reform. A native of Cedarville, Illinois, Addams graduated from the Rockford Female Seminary. Her father’s death in 1881 and surgery in her back combined to make her nearly an invalid for two years. On a trip to Europe with her school friend Ellen Gates Starr, they visited London’s Toynbee Hall, a settlement house. Inspired by this experience, the two friends founded Hull-House in 1889. Addams lived and worked there until her death. With donations, Hull-House grew to serve more than 10,000 people a week: immigrants from European countries in its first decades, and then African Americans and Mexicans in the 1920s. It offered night school for adults, a public kitchen, a gym, a library, a day nursery for the children of working mothers, and meeting places for trade union groups. Addams realized that the poverty around her would not end unless the country’s institutions organized to get rid of it. She campaigned with Hull-House’s clients for legislation to protect immigrants from exploitation, limit working hours for women, recognize labor unions, institute the first juvenile-court law, and provide for safe work places. In 1910 she became the first woman elected president of the National Conference of Social Work. Addams directed her talents and unflagging energy to other causes, including women’s suffrage, politics (seconding eodore Roosevelt’s nomination by the Progressive Party in 1912), and as a founding member of organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) — the pre-eminent civil rights and anti-hate organization — and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). She wrote 11 books and many articles. She became involved in the international pacifist movement in the first decade of the 20th century, and was elected chairman of the Woman’s Peace Party and first president of the International Congress of Women at e Hague in 1915. When the United States entered World War I, a move that she opposed, some Americans began to criticize Addams and her causes. Her many achievements led to many awards, most importantly the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1931, which she shared with Nicholas Murray Butler. Jane Addams died in Chicago. Hull-House has been preserved as a national monument to her memory.


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