

核兵器のない世界 – 追加資料




Books and Reports

Asculai, Ephraim. Rethinking the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime. Tel Aviv: Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2004.

Busch, Nathan E. and Daniel H. Joyner, eds. Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Future of International Nonproliferation Policy. Athens: University of Georgia Press, c2009.

Caravelli, Jack. Nuclear Insecurity: Understanding the Threat from Rogue Nations and Terrorists. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2008.

Cirincione, Joseph. Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.

Hodge, Nathan and Sharon Weinberger. A Nuclear Family Vacation: Travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry. New York: Bloomsbury USA: Distributed to the trade by McMillan, 2008.

Johnson, Rebecca. Unfinished Business: The Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear Testing. New York; Geneva: United Nations, 2009.

Kissling, Claudia. Civil Society and Nuclear Non-Proliferation: How Do States Respond? Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008.

Krieger, David, ed. The Challenge of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2009.

Maddock, Shane J. Nuclear Apartheid: The Quest for American Atomic Supremacy from World War II to the Present. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010.

Mattis, Frederick N. Banning Weapons of Mass Destruction. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2009.

O’Neill, Philip D. Verification in an Age of Insecurity: The Future of Arms Control Compliance. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Perkovich, George and James M. Acton. Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2009.

Protecting Against the Spread of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons: An Action Agenda for the Global Partnership; project directors, Robert J. Einhorn and Michèle A. Flournoy. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2003. [This is the first in a four-volume study.]

Ritchie, Nick. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy After the Cold War: Russians, “Rogues” and Domestic Division. New York: Routledge, 2008.

Schell, Jonathan. The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007.

Spies, Michael and John Burroughs, eds. Nuclear Disorder or Cooperative Security?: U.S. Weapons of Terror, the Global Proliferation Crisis, and Paths to Peace: An Assessment of the Final Report of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission and Its Implications for U.S. Policy. New York: Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, 2007.

Trenin, Dmitri. Toward a New Euro-Atlantic “Hard” Security Agenda: Prospects for Trilateral U.S.-EU-Russia Cooperation; project codirectors, Andrew C. Kuchins and Thomas Gomart. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies; Paris, France: Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 2008.

United States Congress. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Every State a Superpower?: Stopping the Spread of Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century; hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, May 10, 2007. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, USGPO, 2007.

United States Congress. House Committee on Homeland Security. Subcommittee on the Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack. Reducing Nuclear and Biological Threats at the Source; hearing before the Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack of the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, June 22, 2006. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, USGPO, 2007.

United States Congress. House Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation. Assessing “Rights” Under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty; hearing before the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation of the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, March 2, 2006. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, USGPO, 2006.

United States Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Safeguarding the Atom: Nuclear Energy and Nonproliferation Challenges; hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, July 31, 2007. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, USGPO, 2008.

World Public Opinion.org. Americans and Russians on Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Disarmament; a joint study of WorldPublicOpinion.org and the Advanced Methods of Cooperative Security Program, CISSM (Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland), November 9, 2007.
Full report: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/nov07/CISSM_NucWeaps_Nov07_rpt.pdf


“Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate. With the participation of George Perkovich, James M. Acton [et. al.]. Carnegie Endowment Report, February 2009. [Note: This is online only; hard copy requires a subscription.]

Albright, David and Corey Hinderstein. “Unraveling the A. Q. Khan and Future Proliferation Networks.” Washington Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 2 (Spring 2005): pp. 111-128.

Bergenäs, Johan. “Disarmament Movement Needs Youth Involvement to Counter Cynicism.” World Politics Review (July 30, 2009). [Note: This is online only; hard copy requires a subscription.]

Cooper, Mary H. “Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism.” CQ Researcher, vol. 14, no. 13 (2 April 2004): pp. 297-319.

Deutch, John. “A Nuclear Posture for Today.” Foreign Affairs, vol. 84, no. 1 (January/February 2005): pp. 49-60.

“The Global Nuclear Future” [special 2-vol. edition]. Daedalus; ed. by Scott Sagan and Steven E. Miller. Volume 1 was published in October 2009. Volume 2 will be published in Winter 2010.

Hersh, Seymour M. “Defending the Arsenal.” New Yorker, November 16, 2009, pp. 28-35.

Scheinman, Lawrence. “Disarmament: Have the Five Nuclear Powers Done Enough?” Arms Control Today, vol. 35, no. 1 (January/February 2005), pp. 6-11.

Shultz, George P., William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn. “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2007.

Shultz, George P., William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn. “Toward a Nuclear-Free World.” Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2008, p. A15.

Trenin, Dmitri. “So Far Purely Economic, G20 Could One Day Cover Security Too.” Europe’s World (Autumn 2009).

Trenin, Dmitri. “Untangling Iran’s Nuclear Web.” The Moscow Times, October 5, 2009.

Zuckerman, M.J. “Nuclear Power: Risk vs. Renaissance.” Carnegie Reporter, vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2009, pp. 18-27.

Internet Resources

U.S. Government

U.S. Department of Defense
National Defense University
The Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) facilitates a greater understanding of the challenges presented by nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons to U.S. security interests through research, education, and outreach. The center is the focal point for professional military education on combating WMD.

U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters (ODATSD(NM))
The ODATSD(NM) oversees and develops the plans for nuclear weapons safety, security, and survivability, as well as the survivability of material and systems relative to nuclear effects.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence
National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC)
The NCPC was formally established by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on November 21, 2005, as the primary organization within the intelligence community for managing, coordinating, and integrating planning, collection, exploitation, analysis, interdiction, and other activities relating to weapons of mass destruction, related delivery systems, materials and technologies, and intelligence support to U.S. government efforts and policies to impede such proliferation.

U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
NNSA, through its Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, works closely with a wide range of international partners, key U.S. federal agencies, the U.S. national laboratories, and the private sector to detect, secure, and dispose of dangerous nuclear and radiological material and related WMD technology and expertise.

U.S. Department of Energy
Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (IPP)
IPP, part of the Global Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention, engages scientists, engineers, and technicians who formerly worked in Soviet weapons facilities to redirect their expertise to peaceful, civilian work through long-term business partnerships with U.S. companies.

U.S. Department of State
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)
The ISN Bureau spearheads efforts to promote international consensus on WMD proliferation through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy; leads the development of diplomatic responses to specific bilateral and regional WMD proliferation challenges, including today’s threats posed by Iran, North Korea, and Syria; and develops and supports strategic dialogues with India, Pakistan, China, and other key states or groups of states.

U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Verification, Compliance and Implementation (VCI)
VCI’s core mission is to ensure that appropriate verification requirements and capabilities are fully considered and properly integrated throughout the development, negotiation, and implementation of arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments and to ensure that other countries’ compliance is carefully watched, rigorously assessed, appropriately reported, and resolutely enforced.


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The IAEA is the world´s nuclear inspectorate, with more than four decades of verification experience. Inspectors work to verify that safeguarded nuclear material and activities are not used for military purposes.

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
The NSG is a group of nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons have been one of the core areas of SIPRI’s research programs since the founding of the institute. SIPRI has published numerous studies on a range of issues related to nuclear arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Nuclear Weapons and Global Security
The union of scientists and policy experts works to reduce some of the biggest security threats facing the world today, including the risks posed by nuclear weapons, nuclear terrorism, and space weapons.

United Nations
Office for Disarmament Affairs
The Department of Disarmament Affairs was established in January 1998 as part of the secretary-general’s program for reform in accordance with his report A/51/950 to the General Assembly. In 2007 it was changed to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

Academic and Research

Center for Strategic and International Studies
Project on Nuclear Issues
This blog pushes the nuclear debate forward with daily posts, original contributions by members, and guest commentary from senior experts.

Federation of American Scientists
A World Free of Nuclear Weapons
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) was founded in 1945 by scientists who had worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bombs.

Harvard University
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs: Managing the Atom
The Belfer Center is the hub of the Kennedy School’s research, teaching, and training in international security affairs, environmental and resource issues, and science and technology policy.

International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
ISTC is an intergovernmental organization connecting scientists from Russia, Georgia, and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with their peers and research organizations in Canada, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, and the United States.

Monterey Institute of International Studies
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS strives to combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis.

Princeton University
Program on Science and Global Security
The Program on Science and Global Security, a research group at Princeton University since 1975, became a unit of the Woodrow Wilson School in July 2001. The program seeks to provide the technical basis for policy initiatives in nuclear arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation.

Stanford University
Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)
Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism
The center explores means to reduce the threat represented by weapons of mass destruction, a primary objective of their research.


Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues
This digital library provides an annotated bibliography of more than 2,700 books, articles, films, CDs, and Web sites about a broad range of nuclear issues.

Arms Control Association (ACA)
ACA, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.

British American Security Information Council (BASIC)
Getting to Zero
BASIC focuses all its resources on its transatlantic Getting to Zero program, reducing global nuclear dangers.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Nuclear Policy Program
As interest in nuclear power grows around the world, efforts to build a sustainable nuclear order increasingly will depend on engaging the nuclear industry, updating strategies of deterrence and security, and making progress towards the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Nuclear Calendar

The FCNL fields the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS)
ISIS is a nonprofit, nonpartisan institution dedicated to informing the public about science and policy issues affecting international security. Its efforts focus on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, bringing about greater transparency of nuclear activities worldwide, and achieving deep reductions in nuclear arsenals.

International Panel on Fissile Material (IPFM)
IPFM is an independent group of arms control and nonproliferation experts from both nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon states.

Nuclear Control Institute (NCI)
The Nuclear Control Institute is a research and advocacy center for preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, NCI is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization supported by philanthropic foundations and individuals.

Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
NTI is a nonprofit organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, and to work to build the trust, transparency, and security that are preconditions to the ultimate fulfillment of the Non-Proliferation Treaty’s goals and ambitions.

Ploughshares Fund
The Ploughshares Fund is engaged in an aggressive strategy to seize the unprecedented opportunities before us to achieve a safe, secure, nuclear weapon-free world. Combining high-level advocacy, an enhanced grantmaking capacity, and their own expertise, they are helping to fundamentally change nuclear weapons policy.

Megatons to Megawatts Program
The Megatons to Megawatts Program is a unique, commercially financed government-industry partnership in which bomb-grade uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads is being recycled into low-enriched uranium (LEU) used to produce fuel for American nuclear power plants.



Atomic Café (1982)
Running Time: 88 minutes
Director: Kevin Rafferty
Synopsis: Compilation of U.S. government and “educational” propaganda shows how 1950s Americans learned to “stop worrying and love the bomb.”

Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero (1999)
Running Time: 52 minutes
Director: Peter Kuran
Synopsis: A tour of U.S. atomic test sites in Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Mississippi, and Alaska.

The Day After Trinity (1981)
Running Time: 89 minutes
Director: Jon Else
Synopsis: Scientists and witnesses involved in the creation and testing of the first atomic bomb reflect on the Manhattan Project and its fascinating leader, J. Robert Oppenheimer, who upon completion of his wonderful and horrible invention became a powerful spokesperson against the nuclear arms race.

Duck and Cover (1951)
Running Time: 9 minutes
Director: Anthony Rizzo
Synopsis: Instruction film for children on how to react in the event of a nuclear attack, produced by the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA).

Plutonium Circus (1995)
Running Time: 73 minutes
Director: George Ratliff
Synopsis: Funny yet incisive look at the PANTEX Nuclear Weapons Plant in Amarillo, Texas, which was used for nuclear weapons assembly during the Cold War. The film deals with the issues of storing the plutonium and the effects the plant has had (and is having) on the town of Amarillo, as well as how it has affected the way people thought about the Cold War and its aftermath.

The War Game (1965)
Running Time: 48 minutes
Director: Peter Watkins
Synopsis: Simulated documentary about the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. Originally produced for British TV, it was released theatrically and won a Best Documentary Oscar.


The China Syndrome (1979)
Running Time: 123 minutes
Director: James Bridges
Synopsis: The story of an attempted cover-up of an accident at a California nuclear power plant.

The Day After (1983)
Running Time: 127 minutes
Producer: ABC Circle Films/MGM
Synopsis: When Cold War tensions reach the ultimate boiling point, the inhabitants of a small Kansas town learn, along with the rest of America, that they have less than 30 minutes before 300 Soviet warheads begin to appear overhead.

Day One (1989 TV)
Running Time: 141 minutes
Director: Joseph Sargent
Synopsis: Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard leaves Europe, eventually arriving in the United States. With the help of Albert Einstein, he persuades the government to build an atomic bomb. The project is given to no-nonsense General Leslie Groves, who selects physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to head the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, where the bomb is built. As World War II draws to a close, Szilard has second thoughts about atomic weapons, and policy makers debate how and when to use the bomb.

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Running Time: 93 minutes
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Synopsis: Nuclear war is launched by a crazed American general, Jack D. Ripper, worried about a “Commie plot” to put fluoride in the drinking water and cause the loss of his bodily essences.

Fail Safe (1964)
Running Time: 111 minutes
Director: Sidney Lumet
Synopsis: An American president, confronted with an accidental attack on the Soviet Union, decides to drop an atomic bomb on New York in compensation for the annihilation of Moscow.

Fat Man and Little Boy (1989)
Running Time: 126 minutes
Director: Roland Joffe
Synopsis: Story about the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb, focusing on General Leslie Groves, the leader of the project, and J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientist who put together the brain trust that created it.

On the Beach (1959)
Running Time: 134 minutes
Director: Stanley Kramer
Synopsis: Effects of radiation as the planet slowly died in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange between the superpowers.

The Peacemaker (1997)
Time: 123 minutes
Director: Mimi Leder
Synopsis: Russian nuclear warheads are stolen and a weaponized backpack eventually ends up in the hands of a Bosnian Serb terrorist determined to destroy Manhattan.

Thirteen Days (2000)
Running Time: 145 minutes
Director: Roger Donaldson
Synopsis: Dramatization of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

War Games (1983)
Running Time: 110 minutes
Director: John Badham
Synopsis: A computer whiz kid taps into the government’s early-warning system and nearly starts World War III.

The U.S. Department of State assumes no responsibility for the content and availability of the resources listed above. All Internet links were active as of February 2010.

出典:eJournal “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons”


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